Modern Slavery Act Policy
Ens Motors Ltd.
Report on Efforts to Prevent & Reduce the Risk of Forced & Child Labour in Supply Chains
For the financial year ending December 31, 2023
May 29, 2024
I. Introduction
This is the first report filed by Ens Motors Ltd. (“ENS”) under Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the “Act”). The Act, effective January 1, 2024, aims to implement Canada’s international commitment to combating forced labour and child labour by imposing reporting obligations on entities producing or importing goods.
ENS is dedicated to supporting this global effort and is committed to responsible business practices to prevent and reduce the risk of forced and child labour in our supply chains. This report outlines ENS’s plans to develop a compliance program to prevent human rights abuses.
II. Operational Structure
a) Structure & Activities
For over 60 years, ENS has been a retailer of vehicles, parts, and services in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Ens Motors Ltd. is comprised of Ens Toyota, Ens Collision, and Ens Industrial.
b) Supply Chains
ENS purchases the majority of vehicles and parts from Toyota Canada Inc. (“TCI”) under a mutual dealer agreement. TCI is responsible for marketing and promoting the ‘Toyota’ brand in Canada.
TCI’s report on efforts to prevent forced and child labour can be found here:
ENS also manages a smaller supply chain including marketing and advertising agencies, IT services, transportation services, automotive accessories, and professional services.
III. Policies and Due Diligence Processes in Relation to Forced and Child Labour
ENS has compiled a list of approximately 200 current suppliers to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour or child labour in our supply chains.
IV. Risk Assessment
ENS is considered to be at very-low risk for forced and child labour. However, some risks may exist among third-party suppliers of automotive accessories, service parts, and promotional goods. These risks may be addressed in TCI’s compliance plan.
ENS acquires most vehicles and parts from TCI, and recognizes that automotive supply chains have inherent risks. Details of efforts by TCI and Toyota Motor Corporation (“TMC”) to mitigate these risks can be found here:
TMC Statement on Modern Slavery Acts
V. Risk Management and Mitigation
To date, ENS has not identified any instances of forced or child labour in our supply chains. As we develop our compliance plan, we will gain greater visibility into these issues and address any necessary remediation measures.
VI. Assessing the Effectiveness of our Actions
ENS is committed to ensuring the effectiveness of our actions to prevent and reduce the risk of forced and child labour in our supply chains. We will closely monitor the development and implementation of our compliance strategy in the coming fiscal year.
VII. Collaboration with our Affiliates
ENS will continue to collaborate with TCI and TMC to identify and implement best practices for preventing and reducing the risk of forced and child labour in our supply chains.
VIII. Approval
This report has been approved by the board of directors of ENS.
In accordance with Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, and particularly section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in this report for the entities listed above. Based on my knowledge and reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate, and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Name: Joshua Ens
Title: President
Date: May 29, 2024
I have the authority to bind Ens Motors Ltd.
© 2024 Ens Motors Ltd. All rights reserved.